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Rev. Ike

A Law of Mind Science - Whatever You Add to "I AM" Is What You Become!

— by Rev. Ike

In the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Divine Consciousness, there is no healing because there is no sickness!

Say to yourself aloud, "I AM the very self-awareness of HEALTH." This affirmation is not only healing, it is better than healing. It is recognition of your "I AM-ness."

We can say the same thing for happiness, for love, for success, and for prosperity.

The Attracting Power of Self-Awareness

Your self-awareness is your self-image. It is the way you see yourself.

Self-awareness is the currency of life. It is with your self-awareness that you purchase happiness. See yourself as that person who is happy.

And so it is with the infinite currency of self-awareness that you purchase love. See yourself as the person who is loving and being loved. You must feel that you are loving and beloved.

You must in your own mind see yourself enjoying love with all of the right people in all of the right relationships for every right purpose. See yourself as love, and you will magnetize yourself to draw the right people to you.

The wrong people won't be able to touch you. Some people that may be close to you now, they will just go the other way, most of them won't even know why. You'd be surprised; some people that you have talked to every day, they will just quit calling you, for no apparent reason at all. You won't hear from them anymore. And those people who drift away from you weren't right for you anyway.

The infinite currency of right self-awareness will draw to you only the right people for every right purpose.

The Technique of Affirmation

You must become skilled in the manipulation of your own self-awareness and you cannot practice too much. There are many ways to do this.

Visualization is the cornerstone technique.

Another technique that we use in manipulating and mastering self-awareness is affirmation. Sometimes I call it self-definition.

You can call it affirmation, self-definition, or you can say "I AM."

Tweet: Whatever you add to
Whatever you add to "I AM," this is what you become.

This is what you buy with the currency of your mind. This technique is another way to develop the currency of self-awareness. If in your mind you affirm, "I AM rich," then you acquire that.

Now, be honest with yourself, do you see what you've been buying with the currency of your thoughts over the years?

How many times have you uttered a negative phrase after "I AM?"

"Let the weak say, I AM strong"

Even the Bible says in some of the most mystic words, "Let the weak say, 'I AM strong.'" Even while you're in a weak condition, you must affirm that which you wish to be.

Your "I AM-ness" is money. Your self-awareness, your visualization and your affirmation are money.

The material stuff is wonderful, but the material money comes from your self-awareness. Self-awareness is cause, material money is effect. You cannot have the effect without the cause.

Who AM I?

Here again is a mystic conversation from the Bible. Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I AM?" It's a question for each individual to ask himself. Who do you say that you are? Who do I say that I AM?

If I say that I AM poor, then the getting power of my self-awareness gets me poverty. If I say that I AM rich, then the getting power of my self-awareness gets me riches.

If I say that I AM weak, then the getting power of my self-awareness gets me more weakness. If I say that I AM strong, the getting power of my self-awareness gets me strength.

If I say that I AM well, the getting power of my self-awareness gets me health.

Self-awareness is the only currency in the marketplace of life. If you have wealth in your mental self-definition, it will be the cause for you to have money in your experience.

Rev. Ike's signature

Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter
better known as Rev. Ike
June 2008

Learn How to Use the Law of I AM!

Never add a negative to ‘I AM’ again!

Watch this 5-minute video lesson (from Rev. Ike’s ‘Gift Of Money’ Workshop) as he teaches you how to use the most important Law of Mind Science.

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Recommended Reading

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Learn the techniques of Rev. Ike's Mind Power, found in his book Secrets for Health, Joy and Prosperity - For YOU! Available in paperback and ebook! click here